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In september 2014 in newsfeed facebook I have some friends who told him if his credit card in bobol people through online transactions, the number from millions to tens of millions of dollars. It turns out not just friends facebook I conceded, but a lot of people in the group traveling to preach if their credit card (from a wide variety of issuing bank) also in use of online transactions by other persons by illegal (fraud). I have not trade online assume that my credit card was going to be safe. On the afternoon of 19 October when you're relaxing at home suddenly my phone get some sms respectively, who reported that there is a transaction using my credit card. I then called up the call center of the bank that issued my credit card, and during the call there is still some of the sms confirmation of transactions on my credit card. Please I ask to please block my card, and the next step is the party the call center asked me to wait a call from the fraud they. There are a Total of 10 transactions fraud on my credit card, and everything using a foreign currency. The next day, because up until the afternoon still no call from the bank I took the initiative to call back to the call center of the bank, after I called the fraud the bank sends the email form statement a refutation of the transaction I have to sign and send back. To follow up cases of fraud I took the time to come to the credit card center in the main branch office of the bank. By the officers at the credit card center in suggest to don't pay the bills fraud, it also reflects my desire that does not want to pay these bills and if there is interest will help in the wipe. From this officer I also got the news if indeed is an emerging online fraud credit card, there are even some people of the bank who plan on traveling together and they book a hotel on a booking website overseas online and all their credit cards exposed to fraud! After a few days, than 10 transactions fraud only 7 in the wipe so there is still 3 transactions are still entered into the billing bill. And to abolish the 3 transactions I need some back and forth to the main branch office of the bank. In my case this is for the whole process until all the really clean takes 5 months, and new on the bill this march, the bill from the case of the fraud I the clear. This case there seems to be error on the part of the issuer of the credit card, because my friend that the card have never used online transactions directly on the phone by the bank in which the cards in issue (different bank with the credit card issuer I) to close 2 credit cards because of the indicated credit card detail is already known by the other party. In dealing with cases of credit card fraud online is every bank has different policies. In my case, I do not need to pay these bills but there is also a bank that requires its customers to pay in advance and if the investigation done by the bank is proven there was fraud in return. This investigation process itself usually lasts for 90 days. To rebuttal letter of the transaction in my case has been provided by the bank I just need to sign and send the letter via email, there is also a bank which ask customers to make a rebuttal letter itself. If your credit card exposed the fraud immediately call the bank's call center publisher and asked to immediately block your credit card, then ask for instructions from the officer call center what steps need to be done to complete the case of fraud. Tips safe to trade with credit card Don't ever divide the number cvv (3 numbers located on back of credit card) with the other party, my own anticipation of this menselotip number cvv. If you want to shop online, make sure the site has the facility of one time pin, the Pin will be sent directly to mobile number mobile we. Not all website shopping online have this facility. In my case, conceded the most on the web shopping does not have the facilities one time pin.Don't ever save credit card details on the website, though this way be a little troublesome if we want to go back shopping on the web. Make sure the browser is in private mode and always delete cookies and data after the online transaction. I myself use the program ccleaner to delete the data stored in the browser. 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