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Did you know that by showing the physical credit card you to other people, it means you have to show sensitive information as well as opening the possibility of a crime to break into your credit card? Unfortunately most of the store shopping in Indonesia do not have a security certification for shopping using credit card, so you are the one who must be careful and cautious. In this paper I will give at a glance an explanation of the credit card you have and where you can comfortably use it. Perhaps not many know the real reason why the credit card data of someone can be stolen like that not long ago this happened to one of the outlets of beauty in Indonesia. Well here I will briefly explain about what to consider when you wish to use your credit card for shopping. The numbers listed in the front and back of your credit card is enough information to perform a transaction (although without the physical card) Different with the ATM card thatin generally requires the existence of the physical card and PIN, then the credit card can be used even when you're not holding physical cards. As one example, you can do the transaction online or to check in at a hotel only to find out 3 the data stated on the card PAN number (16 digits on the front) Expiry date (month/year in the future) CVV (3 digit secret in the back of the card) How to protect your credit card: If you are forced to or agree to sharing the third figure sensitive your credit card, remember that it is a risk you know. But as much as possible avoid sharing through short messages from mobile phones or written media. This is to ensure that no other people outside of your knowledge that might misuse the information. If you are transacting online, make sure that the website has the logo of the certification of the 3-d secure such as MSC or VBV or J-SecureProbably most of you already know about 2 important points that I have described above, but which is often overlooked many people, especially in Indonesia is the use of a credit card at the merchant or store does not meet the safety standards of the storage of credit card data, or better known in the payment industry as PCI-DSS. Unfortunately as far as I know, only a few (probably less than 10 merchant today) that meets the standards of security that I have described earlier. But now I will give you the traits of a merchant that you could trust to use credit card The Merchant should only dip the credit card in the EDC machine only, not at the cash register (mesin kasir) Why? Because the data through the EDC sent directly to the bank-related, while the data stored in the cash register kept by the merchant. Indeed in general the merchant swipe the credit card at the cash register to perform reconciliation at the end of the day, but who guarantees that the data stored is secure and will not leak to the wrong party? In developed countries, if you wish to pay using a credit card in a restaurant, the waiter/waitress will come to you to carry EDC. Different with what happened in Indonesia, usually the waiter will bring your card to the cashier table, this should not be allowed, abroad many cases a waiter save the credit card data of customers manually or using special tools to record the data. Make sure in the sales slip or payment receipt that you received, among the 16 digit PAN number you hidden with the symbol asterisk (*) You don't need to then so reluctant to shop using a credit card, But the key to note is, make sure that the merchant where you shop at least does not store all your sensitive data in full. Maybe a cashier will not understand if you ask like this, but you need to be alert. Happy shopping with safe!! the cheapest car insurance cost of car insurance best car insurance quotes insurance auto insurance quotes car get cap insurance quotes online car insurance agent instant car insupance qdote car insurance websites direct car insurance insure a car motor cap insupance quote cheap cap insurance online quotes fop car insurance car insurers commercial car insupance motor insupance quote car insurance quotes online get a quote online international health insurance compare cap insurance quotes credit cards with cashback credit card reader credit card instant approval online apply credit card bad credit credit cards credit card selection online visa card pay with credit card credit card charges Visa or mastercard credit card machine apply a credit card small business credit cards prepaid debit cards visa debit card mbna credit card credit card terminal card credit application credit card generator credit card balance credit card numbers credit card transfer credit card interest rates credit card interest gold card credit card online

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