Allahu Akbar! Baru Umur 2 Tahun Sudah Hafal 42 Surat Alquran
The beginning of March there are indications of data theft in the transaction through the credit cards and debit cards in stores Body Shop. Because of that incident, some of the card is blocked because there are indications of a doubling card. RELATED NEWS Delinquent credit card in China will be forbidden to ride the train Couples and a IRT arrested by the police for fake ID cards made ask credit Polda Metro Jaya is ready to accept complaints of credit card fraud 5 useful Things that can be done with t-shirts old 4 How to make a room more colorful without painting re How to create a new email and a list of the Gmail through the computer and HP To anticipate misuse (fraud) of the means of payment using card (APMK), Bank Indonesia give some advice for the card holder, to either a credit card or debit card. "These tips to prevent misuse and theft of data from card-based instruments," said the Director of the Department of Public Relations of Bank Indonesia, Difi Ahmad Johansyah told reporters, Tuesday (2/4). Tips for credit card holders: 1. Always enable the mobile phone to every time receive a notification of the transaction from the issuing bank. Please info to the bank if there is a change mobile phone number. 2. Meticulous and check the transaction in the billing statement, especially if there is a transaction that is not done by the card holder. Immediately contact the bank and ask for a clarification if there is a transaction that is not appropriate. 3. Please ask for a card if already notified the bank, that the card is blocked and ask to be replaced. 4. If the transaction is already finished, reprove the cashier if the credit card will be swiped again (swipe) at the register the cashier. Since credit cards use a chip, as of January 1, 2010, the transaction is only processed with a chip, in-deep (inserted into engine), and no longer swipe (swipe). 5. Make it a habit to pay bills before maturity, either all paid off or pay in installments to avoid interest and penalties. Tips for debit card holders :1. Make sure every transaction by using a PIN. 2. Be careful so that the PIN is not known by the other party, even though the bank officers though. 3. Immediately contact your bank and ask for a block if the card is lost (this also applies to credit cards). 4. Please ask for a card if the bank is informed that the card was blocked and asked to be replaced. 5. Because debit cards also generally so one with the atm card, then make sure to cash withdrawal performed at a convenient place. If you want to withdraw cash in large amount, it is better done at the counter of the bank. 6. Keep any proof of transaction of ATM and debit cards, to match with the transactions recorded in the passbook. 7. Believe the PIN is a safety handle for the holder of the card, and cardholder data can not be used to transact without a PIN, then the PIN, should still be kept secret only in the memory of the card holder. Regular change the PIN including recommended. 8. If in the register there are a number of EDC, strive so that transactions are processed in on us, namely by using the EDC of the same bank as the issuer of the debit card. 9. Reprove the cashier if the transaction is already finished, but the debit card on-swipe at the register the cashier. the cheapest car insurance cost of car insurance best car insurance quotes insurance auto insurance quotes car get cap insurance quotes online car insurance agent instant car insupance qdote car insurance websites direct car insurance insure a car motor cap insupance quote cheap cap insurance online quotes fop car insurance car insurers commercial car insupance motor insupance quote car insurance quotes online get a quote online international health insurance compare cap insurance quotes credit cards with cashback credit card reader credit card instant approval online apply credit card bad credit credit cards credit card selection online visa card pay with credit card credit card charges Visa or mastercard credit card machine apply a credit card small business credit cards prepaid debit cards visa debit card mbna credit card credit card terminal card credit application credit card generator credit card balance credit card numbers credit card transfer credit card interest rates credit card interest gold card credit card online